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How to Mine DACARS

First things first, DACARS is mined in two different ways

L-BAND: This collects ACARS packets from aircraft broadcasting on SATCOM, this is typically when they are over water.

HF: This collects ACARS packets from aircraft broadcasting on Rf, this is typically when they are over land.

Both methods are mined from the DeFli Device.

DeFli Device

The DeFli Device mines both DACARS L-Band and VHF
Alternatively you can purchase a hosted station, check it out here
We allow self-built DACARS Ground Station's on our network providing they comply with the below requirements:

You must also purchase a license for $95 from here

Self Built

Earning with DACARS

How You Earn

DeFli ACARS follows are very simple rewards methodology. The amount of ACARS packets received in a 24 hour window, expressed as a percentage of the total packets received on the network equals the amount of baseDACARS received from the fixed daily drop value.
  • Installations must be a minimum of 1KM away from the closest installation in all directions
  • Antenna installations must be outdoors
From September 15th 2023, 95890 baseDACARS will be issued and shared per day. This will halve every 3 years.