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How to Mine DACARS
First things first, DACARS is mined in two different ways
L-BAND: This collects ACARS packets from aircraft broadcasting on SATCOM, this is typically when they are over water.
HF: This collects ACARS packets from aircraft broadcasting on Rf, this is typically when they are over land.
Both methods are mined from the DeFli Device.
We allow self-built DACARS Ground Station's on our network providing they comply with the below requirements:
Must be built on minimum Raspberry Pi 4 8GB
Must use a dedicated Airband SDR with integrated filter SDR based on RTL2832
Must use the DeFli Flightview GUI installation from here
You must also purchase a license for $95 from here
Self Built
Earning with DACARS
How You Earn
DeFli ACARS follows are very simple rewards methodology. The amount of ACARS packets received in a 24 hour window, expressed as a percentage of the total packets received on the network equals the amount of baseDACARS received from the fixed daily drop value.
Installations must be a minimum of 1KM away from the closest installation in all directions
Antenna installations must be outdoors